These pic's may be considered offensive to some people these photos are for the viewers of this web site and may include some nudity, May have some sexual contact of men for men and art work, choosing to link on the site pages is of your own volition and is meant for adults only.
Ian is some great Looking Man - what A great looking Guy - Those Great Eyes
I don't know how to categorize this the intention was to post one or two pics a day leave a link eventually to a more graphic stuff if you are into that. You know just of Men, some celebrities, some pictures sent to me, Some college guys, & the great stuff people have shared with me over the years. My intention was great pictures, I love pictures.
I know some people have to have more but the true art form of Magnificent men / of the human male, I think, is under-rated I hope to be eventually posting pictures of more couples in Love. I think we need to see more of that is our day.
Update: I learned this particular blogger is best left with just the pictures I will be adding links this year I just have to move I am looking for a new place. I have never lived with such strange people, like this before, I just found out they have been reading my email, tampering with my snail mail so I have to get out of here. I should have never moved so far from the city making it so hard to get things done. However my initial problems are mostly based on my illness, never been in a situation like this , ever. What is weird is out of all the places I have lived throughout my life California has been the only place I have met so many screwed up people. Dishonest, Manipulative, Negative, and people that just cannot live honest lives, so very strange an experience. But I was telling my nephew, Even though that has been my experience now, there are good people every where you would live. I am looking to buy something that will be mine.
Updated 02/03/2011
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