Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Way Through this madness

I was thinking this morning, you know, I have been going through some struggles the last couple months, darn it is so crazy to me - for real.. I didn't want to pour out my troubles on the world, per say, There is a "House Manager" here where I rent he has been abusing my cat's threw a tennis ball just the other day in my room after throwing two other at the wall of my room to wake me up. This one thrown in my room the other day  hit me. he does stuff to aggravate me lies constantly about me and everything else---totally amazes me. I don't know if I said this but I have a spine disorder & nerve disease to the right side of my body so I can't get around very well. I rarely leave this room or house. It is sad to me because the land owner and I got along great but this is her boyfriend and he lies big time about everything, a manipulator, trouble maker. Now because I said I will not put up with him I am moving, now I am the enemy, crazy, crazy stuff happening, what I don't understand is why he cannot just leave me alone. I spent a great deal of money moving here and am trying to find a place to move to as fast as possible. but I was thinking about the story of the "Hem of His Garment" in the Bible, I wrote a paper couple years back about getting in touch with the real God of Marcy and Grace. and some may scoff, they want to say why would God allow you to go through problematic circumstances when you love Him. But you see we are here to grow from our experiences, there is a brighter horizon. The Apostle Poul wrote I rejoice in the difficult times to know that I am a child of the Living God. (I am paraphrasing.). what is real, is at that time Paul was subject as others to be killed, it is so powerful a testimony to his writings, when you realize the real truth of the time in which all this took place and the threat believers experienced because of their belief in Christ as their standing for God existed. I believe we have to press on to a better Tomorrow there is something for me to grasp or maybe just learn more endurance we have to learn to stand firm, for me very real --very real to learn to be more patient and continued on in forgiveness -- because this life is fleeting. --- I can be real slow to getting to the forgive. I get there eventually but I don't mess with people so it puts me in a real bad place when people go out of their way to influence, negatively my day. I know I have a case if I chose to go to court, I could make the land owner not only pay for my next move but pain and suffering for what my animals and I have experienced here But I thought "God you don't want people fighting in the courts of the land," what came to mind was ".Vengeance is Mine says the Lord."     I think forgiveness and move on is the essential message for me hehe. I love the Lord so very much and I have to tell you today is nothing, nothing my friends we are living in the times of plenty for there will be a day when this is not a reality. You know I talk to people from India, Asia, New Mexico, Canada, Russia I say that to say this we have so much here in America, so much just in our rights these things other people in other lands have not, makes you THINK.

Here is a daily pic:

                                                        He is So Good Looking What we
                                                        could do together

 This will brighten any Gay man's Day

So cute I like the LOOK 

I have always thought He is so Handsome
OK so I guess I will kick back and watch a movie talk to you soon hope your day is going well, and That God is blessing you, if not talk to Him, I have found that playing music to Him is so empowering and magically connective, if you know what I mean....... He knows our hearts, anyone can say anything but God knows our hearts, that my friend IS REAL!............. :)

                                              Tomorrows A New Day Lots of Love  : >)
                                               He is cute /\ 

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