Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Turning A New Page

Update February 14, 2011  
These pic's may be considered offensive to some people these photos are for the viewers of this web site and may include some nudity, May have some sexual contact of men for men and art work, choosing to link on the site pages is of your own volition and is meant for adults only.

I wanted to make a whole new step into a new age, This is going to be my year!
I do not know how this is going to be taken but have you ever been so wrapped up in what you do that some how your life takes a back seat to the whole proceedings. That is kind of - what has happen in my life, I have worked for agencies etc. over the years where my life style "should it be known" would be a real issue. Not just that, but some people today might not experience this today, however there have been some very negative  things that have happen in my life, just because of my lifestyle. (haters....)
What is wrong with a society that tells you your belief in God is fake if your life style is different from their own, maybe it is just that I need to stop obsessing over what another person thinks - being a closet case and let the flag of colors fly high, hehe, You think?

Anywho I hope to give a few helpful thought provoking Spiritual things, mind developing things, I believe we are creatures of habit, I find this in my own life. When a time or two we need to break away from the old and embrace the new being the kind of men and woman God would have us be. I mean don't get me wrong, I like guys as much as the next gay dude, I like all the great pics people sent to me, I will share some here. But I think the gay community for the largest part have stopped developing in spiritual and constructive ways, now obviously that's not everyone, but surely too many to count. My goal as modestly as it would be, is to reintroduce men to living Life, Being proud of their beliefs and coming together as men of God.What sprung this idea was an email from a group of gay men setting up a gay men worship center, I thought what a great idea.

If you did not read the quotes here they are again **My Quotes:

   "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies with in us."
  --  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Live Life with a due sense of responsibility, not as those who do not know the real meaning of life, but as those who do and care what we leave in our path. A man that can stand true & honorable because he lives in Truth.  --Dr. Ray Blank

here are some other ones that didn't fit in the quotes box:

God will lead us, sometimes it is a direction unknown to us, sometimes it is learning from what we are experiencing, sometimes it is so another learns from us. And sometimes it is just our warning that "this (in our life)" requires we move on, to move forward, at the end of the day it is our listening much more than anything else that guilds us. --R. Blank

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. Philippians 4:8

Do not allow people around you to pull you down with their attitude or put you down, You are a child of God and much more than anyone who dares tries to take that from you, take your peace... Make a stand and do what is right for your own self, those around you & also in life. Foremost Live in Peace.. ---Falcon  

Lord, God make me an Instrument of your Peace.... St Francis

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